Friday, January 5, 2007


Hello world!! I just found out that I am going to Sudan March 18-31!!! I can't believe it!!! Our church is doing alot of work in Darfur, but we are unable to get into Darfur due to the ongoing conflict. We will be going to Southern Sudan and working with a different project. I will post more details as I get them. I am so very excited. I have been told this is a grueling trip. We will be in a remote area staying in tents, no electric etc. and temperatures can reach more than 120 degrees. I have heard that people from previous trips had nightmares for weeks after returning. My sister-in-law asked if I still wanted to go knowing all this. I told her, I feel that I need to go. And how can I possibly complain about any of these things when this nightmare is the daily reality for so many of God's Children. I have no right to expect any more. I realize it will be a hard trip, not a pleasure cruise. Please pray that I will be strengthened and encouraged prior to, during and after this trip.

I am so thankful that my husband is supportive and encouraging me in this ministry. He has been saying for over a year that he feels I should be doing work in the Sudan. That dream may now come to fruition.

I need to raise $4000 by the end of February. I know this seems like alot, but it really is not. The church is actually covering great deal of the cost, the $4000 is just a portion. One of the major expenses is flight. We will fly into Nairobi and then we have to charter a plane to take us into Sudan (landing strip is just dirt). :)

If you feel led to support this ministry and would like to make a donation, please make your check out to Ginghamsburg Church and put my name (Amelia P) and Sudan mission in the memo line. I am trying to find out if Paypal is an option. All money donated is 100% tax deductible. I will be working towards this goal as well as providing any personal items I need such as the LONG LONG list of required immunizations and a water purifier. I am sure there will be many more items that come up.

Here are a few pictures from 1998. I will post pictures of Sudan once I have some!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we'll be praying for you!

Dave and Erika