Thursday, April 5, 2007

Home at last

Well, we are back in the US. I apologize for my delay in posting. I have been really brain dead this week (still am, mostly). I will try to post more in the next few days. For those of you who supported me, thank you. I am hoping to get some things to you in the mail in the very near future. Thank you so much. And thank you to everyone who prayed for us. We certainly needed it and were sustained by your prayers.

It was hot... my thermometer registered 126.7 at the top. Everyday was at least 110 in the shade. We drank a minimum of 4 liters of water a day (sometimes more), yet never had to run to the outhouse. Crazy... If I did that here I would never LEAVE the WC. No one got seriously ill, although the heat did cause some problems. The people in Turalei were beautiful and loving. It was heartbreaking. I will post more details in the next few days as I get my act together. :) Thanks so much.

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